Goods Curated with Conscience To Harmonize Your Home
At Harmony Designs, we are cultivating beauty and order with our goods as your prescription for better living — physically, emotionally and aesthetically. Our lifestyle online shop + brick and mortar store promote wellness and offer welcome to those looking for more balance and harmony in their lives.
“With BEAUTY before me, may I walk. With BEAUTY behind me, may I walk. With BEAUTY, below me, may I walk. With BEAUTY above me, may I walk. With BEAUTY all around me, may I walk.”
— Navajo prayer from Blessingway Ceremony
Gift Curation
Choose from our gift selections that inspire self-care, mindfulness & inspiration or curate a custom gift for any occasion using our custom gift service to co-create a more tailored gift that is extra special.
Bring Balance Through Design
Harmony Designs Furniture & Interiors brings our world to yours. We have made radical transformations in our customers’ residential and commercial spaces by thoughtfully co-creating and calibrating for realignment and harmony.
"I believe we have everything we need to live well, thrive and create beautiful lives. We must take inventory of what we have and honor it... learn how to best care for and leverage it and show it some love."
- Robin Harmon-Myers, Founder